英語であそび、英語で学ぶ iac International Kids Academy

ゆかいな外国人講師&元気いっぱいの生徒達の様子をレポートする【iac インターナショナル・キッズアカデミーブログ】!! Come join us!!!
Kids English
Kids English
Hello everyone!   IAC英会話教室です!



February 4, 2010

Today, at Nishihara, we had a very busy and fun day. First, we started out with our calendar time. Discussing the day, month, date, year, weather, and the season. Students were interactive with the calendar and using discussion to try and figure out the order of the months on the calendar.

After Calendar time we played a game with the letter beach ball. When the student's would catch the ball, they would have to look at his or her right hand and whatever letter the right hand was touching that was the letter and sound that the students would have to say aloud and then state what the picture was of. Then, we moved into our activity for the day and started to learn about plants. What is a plant? and What is not a plant? Student's had to sort out what was a plant and what wasn't a plant. Then, we started to create our plant book, after we learned what kind of plants there are in the world that we use.
カレンダータイムの後には字が書いてあるビーチボールで遊びました。ボールを投げ、右手が触ってるアルファベットの音と絵が何かを大きな声で言わなきゃいけないゲームでした。今度は植物について話し合い、カードを使い何が植物で、何が植物じゃないのか振り分けました。世界にはどんな植物があるか習った後は自分達の"PLANT BOOK 植物の本"をつくりました。

Then, we practiced our Valentines Day song, "Skinnamarink-e-dink" and then read a story for story time. Finally, we moved into snack time, handed out homework, and the student's went home. It was a long and busy day, but all the students did very well and said that they each had FUN!


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kids class song(2017-01-31 15:00)

2016 iac sports day
2016 iac sports day(2017-01-29 09:15)

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kids class(2017-01-20 10:05)

Christmas show day
Christmas show day(2016-12-22 10:00)

Flea market in Kids class
Flea market in Kids class(2016-12-07 21:30)

Autumn Field Trip
Autumn Field Trip(2016-11-25 08:24)

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